No matter what today’s prophets tell us there was one statement that Jesus made that we should be fully aware of, and this statement precedes the tribulation and all the woes the earth will experience.
Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
It does not matter what the shadows of things to come mean to each of us. What we see are like the birth of a child, there are indicators of when the time is for the child to join the external world. Everything we see happening is like birth pains that indicate a soon arrival, and to remind us that just before birth there is great pain. These ominous signs all around us are not harbingers of the end; they are the beginning of birth pains.
The sign all of us need to be watchful of is what Jesus tells us to look for in the referenced verse. Let me add: There are forces, spiritual forces, that try to stop this from happening. What we see today around the world where the gospel of the kingdom is being considered a threat is the work of the evil one to delay his ultimate destiny. Lucifer knows what needs to be slowed or stopped entirely and this spirit will do all it can to ensure that the gospel of the kingdom is not preached to all nations. All his efforts are useless since Lucifer cannot stop the spread of the gospel of the kingdom. Even the evil dictators across the earth cannot thwart the preaching of this gospel, no matter how strongly associated these dictators unknowingly align with Lucifer, or, they know precisely what they are doing and who they have sold their souls to.
Some people look at everything going wrong on the earth and would like to see everything blow up and get life over with. This psychosis is dangerous for the individual and others. We are not to focus on dark things, we are to be about our Father’s business until Jesus returns, and that business if spreading the gospel of the kingdom to all nations, to all peoples everywhere around the world.
Don’t fret what is happening. As mentioned, Jesus will not leave us unaware, unprotected or unprepared. If there is anything else to add it would be to say: Read the book!
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