The Church has been Political Since the Third Century.
What gives me the right to say the above? Examining Scripture and the governments that were present throughout the annals of time religion was always separate in thought, function, and direction. Surly the pagan religions were not separated from the government and that is true, and it something that we should be wary of today. What is even more telling is that Jesus did not create a new faith or religious idea, He purposefully moved away from the religious of His day. He separated himself and His followers from the chains of religious ideals, power, and control altogether. A few examples are:
- Matthew 7:15-20
- Matthew 23:27-28
- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
- 1 Timothy 6:3-5
- 2 Peter 2:1-22
- 1 John 2:26-27
- 1 John 4:1-6
- 2 John 1: 7-11
- Jude 1: 3-4
These are a few verses to illustrate how many preach something other than the Gospel that was first given. What I am about to say is going to hit low, but someone needs to say it. If you pay attention to politics, you will notice how there is fear blasted to the population, how blackmail is used to persuade people and places to fall in line, how power and money guide decisions. How there is backbiting, destruction of a person’s character, gossip that many enjoy building false narratives with, and what you may not realize is how many preachers use God’s word to do the same thing. Look at Galatians 4:4-7; Galatians 5:1; Romans 6:1-11; John 10:10.
Listen to what the preacher says and how. Is there any condemnation in it for any fall from grace that may have taken place? Is it all about hell and you’re going to hell if you don’t do this or that? Are you told that you cannot wear jewelry; use makeup; where a dress that is above the knees; or if you’re a man not have your shirt’s top button buttoned? Are you being told that Jesus was just human like you and me or that Jesus was treated by his mother just like we are today? Listen to sermons about giving your money or tithes which is not a New Testament doctrine. You can surlily use a 10th as a guide for you giving if that tenth does not represent the Old Testament method of tithing. Are you shamed into giving, or participating in the many functions of the church? Is the pastor approachable, or does the pastor seem to be above everyone else? Some members even begin to talk behind a person’s back when a person does not contribute to the work around the church, and they mention their dislike to the pastor which in turn become a theme for the sermon. All a person is in the modern church is a volunteer employee, and a revenue source for the churches many expenses. Malachi 3:10-11 is not associated with the New Testament. In fact, Malachi is not the last book of the Old Testament, it is installed between Psalms and Zechariah, and the last book of the Old Testament is first and second Chronicles. So why put a book that in no way is part of the New Covenant just before Matthew? MONEY! Remember this one scripture about Galatians 5:3. Even though this verse in Galatians speaks of circumcision it concerns the Old Covenant Law or Instruction. If you tithe in accordance with the Old Covenant, you are to obey the entire law or instruction. Do you see how some congregations i.e., churches condemn you be subjugating you to following the Old Covenant? We are to give freely without constraints of any sort. Just as in Paul’s day, people gave freely, they were not coerced into giving. If there was a need for another congregation the Apostles would write and request help. Many congregations us inappropriate scripture verses to entice you to give through guilt and empty promises. See 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 and look carefully to what Paul writes.
Ok, let’s move along.
The Gospel message is simple: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
You see, Salvation is not about being religious, controlled, full of fear fearful or being blackmailed to do some sort of ritual. Salvation (the Gospel) is about faith, freedom, a relationship with God and others. It is about God-love not human-love. It is about being focused on Christ and His kingdom instead of what someone tries to sell you every Sunday. Listen, there are many pastors who lead a congregation because it is a job, a second retirement, a way to become wealthy on other people’s generosity, or to feel the rush of power and control. Sure, there are pastors who are genuine and do their best to lead you in the right direction according to the Scriptures, but they are few. Matthew 22:14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
Today, it has become difficult to understand the difference between politics and preaching. It is alarming to say that it is even more difficult to tell the difference between a church and a secular business, or for that matter the government of the city the church is located. The Apostles were ambassadors, (2 Corinthians 5:20), of Christ, and we are supposed to be ambassadors of God’s kingdom and His governance until Jesus’ return.
Here are a few stories to ponder:
- Atheist Ministers Struggle With Leading the Faithful
- Preachers Who Don’t Believe—The Scandal of Apostate Pastors
- Over 7,000 Pastors Admit They Don’t Follow Jesus
Mike Kovach 17 October 2021
the Christian Underground Journal
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