The thing that concerns me even more than rumors is the sudden and significant shift in world leadership. It is quite baffling that governments across the globe, inexplicably, demonstrate a peculiar yearning to construct a dystopian society on a global scale. Why? I must say, that question is quite intriguing. In my opinion, the rapid change in global leadership might serve as a significant indicator that humankind is nearing the return of Christ, if one were to look for signs. There is a growing perception that the fallen angels, who were previously imprisoned, have now been set free and are exerting their influence to manipulate global leaders into opposing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The influence on people, if this is a possibility, is a matter of even greater concern. There is a growing sense that the world is gradually reverting to a time long past, resembling the era spoken of in religious texts that described a monumental flood event.
In Matthew 24:37-39 Jesus reveals to us: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
So then, wars and rumors of war show what is natural and even what is supernatural. However, the reference to a pre-flood period takes us back to Genesis 6:1-4; Numbers 13:33; Deuteronomy 1:28; 2:21; 3-33, and 2 Samuel 21:18.
Regardless of the circumstances, it is crucial to stay alert and find inner peace in the presence of the Lord Yeshua (Jesus). Let go of all your worries, anxieties, and troubles, and place them in His hands. By putting your complete trust and reliance in Jesus, you will experience his unwavering love and grace. Yeshua (Jesus) is the only source on which you should rely completely for all your needs.
You may want to review a previous essay titled Troubling Times.
With everything happening in the world today, people need hope and there is only one way that hope can be experienced in these uncertain times. Only Yeshua (Jesus) offers everyone of us hope through Him. Jesus paid the price for a sinful world so we can be free of sins effect. With sin, we have hopelessness, depression, anger, hate, and all sorts of other things that affect us. Jesus took all that upon himself and freed us from any sort of despair if you believe in and trust in him alone.
In Romans 10:5-13 Paul tells us how to accept Jesus and be saved. If you find yourself hopeless about our worlds rapid decline into anarchy and ruthlessness I pray that you take the time to read Romans, and then, after, begin to develop a relationship with Jesus, the same Jesus that died for you, and rose again after 3 days according to the scriptures.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
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