Prophetic Insight or is it just me?

On 13 December 2022 while on my way to pick up a friend for lunch I had an unfamiliar voice say in my mind that the Lord was returning soon; I huffed, and said may the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you, only the Father knows when the day of his return will be, be gone. I mentioned that to my friend, and he told me that this sort of thing will increase as darkness envelopes the earth. What I feel is that a lot of people will not know how to test deceiving spirits by looking to sidetrack believers and lead believers into error and doubt. Most will think they just had a vision and accept what was said as a message to prepare for the Lord’s return. Acceptance of the message leads believers to do what they should have been doing all along by preparing for Jesus’s return. However, the actual message about Jesus’s soon return is a lie because as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 (NIV) “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

On 14 December 2022, I was contemplating what another friend said to me about there needs to be more John the Baptist’s who need to preach make straight the way for the Lord. While I was contemplating this an understanding came to me that there was John the Baptist who came before Jesus to prepare the way for him, and the only other time something like this will happen again is when the three witnesses arrive who will speak to prepare for the Lord’s return.

Now I ask myself: How much mimicry will happen to deceive believers and the world. Antichrist has the meaning “instead of” as well as in “opposition to.”

From Vines Expository


[ 1,G500antichristos ] can mean either against Christ” or “instead of Christ,” or, combining the two, “one who, assuming the guise of Christ, opposes Christ” (Westcott.) The word is found only in John’s epistles,  (a) of the many “antichrists” who are forerunners of the “Antichrists” himself, 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22; 2 John 1:7; (b) of the evil power which already operates anticipatively of the “Antichrist,” 1 John 4:3.

All my Christian life I have relied on the Holy Spirit to help me discern what I hear and what I reason to be correct. Today there seems to be more happening in the unseen than prior years. Again, I am not sure if that is a correct understanding or just my own stinking thinking.

There is always opposition to faith of any sort and mythology is loaded with similar stories to those in the Bible. I call these counterfeit religious ideologies that are created by the fallen angelic beings (dark forces) to deceive and distort God’s sovereignty and message of salvation to humanity.

Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) Paul tells us:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Either I am totally wacko, or what I have experienced and understood is as Paul writes above.

If you have anything to add please write me at

Thank you for your time.


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