Isaiah 5:21-23 “Doom to you who think you’re so smart, who hold such a high opinion of yourselves! All you’re good at is drinking—champion boozers who collect trophies from drinking bouts and then line your pockets with bribes from the guilty while you violate the rights of the innocent.” (MSG)
When I read this, I am reminded of human hordes who once traveled around killing, boozing it up, raping, pillaging, along with all sorts of other horrific and barbaric behavior. I also see a reappearance of those barbaric actions happening around the world today, and without restraint or conscience. Today there is a continuing erosion of a moral and ethical compass, where life has become a drunken orgy of permissiveness and unrestrained sexual exploits. There is a breakdown is law and order across the world, where law enforcement is seen as the enemy, rather than the protectors and rescuers. Governments, commentators, media televangelist, social media, line their pockets with all sorts of bribes: government uses funding, mandates, and taxes while commentators and the media use fear projection to increase ratings and income. Televangelists use twisted scriptures and false hope as bait to lure people into their web of deceit just for monetary gain. Social media uses censorship to secure government approval and backing, and to keep the advertisement money flowing. No matter the organization, they are all violating your human rights and dignity with malice and intent. In short, what is good is now evil, and what is and has always been evil is now good (accepted as normal).
What I’ll end with is this: If the governments do not change course, if people do not cease in their wickedness all will suffer greatly.
Mike Kovach
13 September 2021
The Christian Underground Journal
Peterson, E. H. (2005). The Message: the Bible in contemporary language (Is 5:21–23). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
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