Are There—Two, Six, or Eight Sexual Genders?
And what exactly is a gender?
“The word gender has been used since the 14th century as a grammatical term, referring to classes of noun designated as masculine, feminine, or neuter in some languages. The sense denoting biological sex has also been used since the 14th century, but this did not become common until the mid-20th century. Although the words gender and sex are often used interchangeably, they have slightly different connotations; sex tends to refer to biological differences, while gender more often refers to cultural and social differences and sometimes encompasses a broader range of identities than the binary of male and female.” (New Oxford American Dictionary).
It wasn’t my intention to write about gender but when I was confronted by someone who told me on a social media site that God created six genders, I decided to investigate the claim.
I can tell you that you are who you are, and I do not stand in the way of what you understand or believe about yourself. That is your decision and yours alone. What I do take exception to is someone claiming that God created multiple genders which, is not supported in the scriptural text (Old Covenant or New Covenant). Personally, I have studied the scriptures and various other documents for many years, and when I read the comment, I admit that this was a new one. Here is what I know: The theory of eight genders originated with academics of the Jewish Talmud where they claim that Judaism has recognized non-binary persons for a millennium and this is what I wanted to state—it is not God you created these genders, they are not biblical, it was men who decided to play god and decide what God created above and beyond the written record. One big understanding is that the Jewish Talmud is not concerned with social positioning, they refer to gender as a sex. The Talmud is not a lawful source or a source to consider that God wrote it, or gave these people license to upend God’s creation.
Genesis 1: 27 (NIV) “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
Genesis 1:28 (NIV) tells us that humankind was to populate the earth with their kind: “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Chapter two is a different creation but still the creation of man and then the making of woman was done differently than in chapter one. Here God created a garden in the east and created a specific male, and then made a specific female from that man. The actual translation for the making of woman was by taking part of the male’s side not just a rib.
Regardless, of how, when, or where God did all of this, there is only two sexual genders in both creation events contrary to what the Jewish Talmud theorized. The Talmud is not scripture, just like commentaries are not scripture. Interpretations, transliterations, translations, dynamic text etcetera do not support what men’s minds postulate what God had done or is doing.
I’m also convinced that we mere humans cannot fathom how spiritual forces can play havoc with our minds and understanding. In our world there are many strange occurrences where humans are born with more than two arms, legs, heads, and in some instances more than one individual. Animals are also prone to these strange happenings where they are born disfigured or with more equipment than what we deem normal. However, these events are rare and should not be used to support positions regarding sexual orientation. There are people born with more X than Y chromosomes and vice versa, and these are no different than those born disfigured. Again, this is a rare occurrence, but it does take place. However, regardless of what happens during the process once a person is born, and their plumbing distinguishes them as either male or female that is what they are, and sexual orientation based on X/Y chromosomes mix still does not change the sex of the individual.
When does acceptance, wanting to belong, be included, become more than a movement, and turn the corner and become nothing less than evil machinations? Personally, I believe this happens when a small segment of society attempts to impose their will on the masses because they feel they have the government on their side, or they feel they have a lot of financial support backing their agenda. There is another issue here as well, and that is mentioned in the Talmud where it is mentioned that during puberty there is a possible sex change where the male begins to transform to a female and a female begins to transform to a male. What I equate to evil here in our modern era is when there is a move or requirement to vaccinate children before puberty. What would be the reason for doing this? To alter humans, making them something different. To force the mutation from one sex to another. Or to make children either sex. To me this scenario is evil where men are deciding to play god and create humans in humanities image instead of God’s image.
Late Pastor David Wilkerson in the early 70’s wrote a small book titled “The Vision” where he was given a series of prophetic warnings to America. Here is some of what he wrote:
A Homosexual Epidemic
“When society no longer rejects their sin as abnormal and fully accepts them and encourages them in their abnormality, and when the church no longer preaches against it as sin and consoles them in their sexual activities there no longer exist any hindering forces. The floodgates are open, and homosexuals are encouraged to continue in their sin. In my vision, I have seen these two roadblocks being swept away. You can expect more than one homosexual scandal in very high places. The homosexual community will become so militant and brazen that they will flaunt their sin on network talk shows very shortly.”
A Falling Away:
“Moral standards among many church people will be shattered. Husband- and wife-swapping will be on the increase, and great numbers of young people will simply live together without getting married. A constant barrage of sex and nudity by all the media will vex the minds and souls of the most devout children of Christ. It will cause the love of many to grow cold. It will lead to carelessness and faithlessness. It will be the major cause of a great falling away. Those who stand against this flood of filth will be few, and they will be looked upon as out of step with an enlightened society and a more relevant church. Easy abortion, the pill, and a growing sexual permissiveness will contribute to a revolution of immorality.”
So, you see there is more going on here than meets the eye. There is a spiritual battle taking place and one I am convinced is returning humanity to a time where wickedness ruled in the hearts of humanity. See Geneses 6: 5-7 (NIV). We are rapidly approaching the great tribulation mentioned in the book of Daniel and Revelations. We will not see a flood again, but we will witness the undoing of earth. Man will try all sorts of things to prevent what is happening and will fail. There will be one who will rise out of the sea of humanity that has all the answers, he/she will perform all sorts of wonders and have a solution for all our worries. They will be short lived, and many will be deceived and go about deceiving others for a while.
Another interesting statement:
The former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgendered and homosexuality is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. “There are no little boys born in little girls’ bodies or little girls born in little boys’ bodies,” he said. “You can’t change the biology of a human being, and in my opinion, the attempt to do so is merely a fad.” “I’m not against transgender people,” he said recently, stressing that he is “anxious they get the help they need.” But such help should be psychiatric rather than surgical, he maintains. “I concluded that Hopkins was fundamentally cooperating with a mental illness.” You want people to accept you for being a mental ill trans, when you could not accept yourself the way you were born.
Here is a sermon to watch:
I’m not going to belabor this issue any further because it’s just my opinion and I’m no expert on this topic. Let’s just say that there are things that happen in life that cannot be explained simply, and we must allow God to show us what is true and not true. I just want to say that what man conjures up in his mind does not make it fact, it is only a theory, and idea, a way to describe God better than God describes Himself. It is nothing but pure folly.
God did not move a female from the creation in chapter one, He made a specific female out of the male—they were a special case.
In Genesis 2:23 (NIV) we read: “The man said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.” In this case there was one sexual gender where God decided to make another sexual gender out of the man. Still only two sexual genders while still being one. They were male and female but one just as it states later in Genesis 2:24 (NIV) “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
This statement is like what we call the father and son connection where Jesus for example states that father and I are one; John 10:30 (NIV)
Anyway, I digress a bit: I only wanted to point out that no matter what man has to say, or how man creates the god of their imaginations there remains on two sexual genders (male and female).
That’s it, I’m not moving any further on this topic. There’s nothing else to say. The Scriptures are true to the words on it pages and that’s all there is to it.
14 April 2022
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