
It has been a few weeks since I last posted anything to the journal and today I’m going to briefly mention a topic that underscores most of our behavior if we believe it does or not.  What I will not do is write out the scriptures from Ezekiel and only mention their location for those interested.

Ezekiel is about God’s relationship with Israel and all the ups and downs of that relationship just like any other relationship’s we mere mortals experience. What caught my interest is located in Ezekiel eight through Ezekiel twenty-two where God is telling it like it is by pointing out Israels flaws, sins and willful disobedience: Of course none of us would know anything about being disobedient and willful now would we? What I personally found is that just about all of the character flaws and sins God points out against Israel (Jerusalem), I, and probably most of you, have done what the Israelites did as well. What is more revealing is that our current world affairs are matching what God told Ezekiel to warn the Jews concerning their rebellion against God and what was going to happen to them because of their hard heartedness. Let me stop here and say that for those who are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and marked by the Lord do not need to take the sins mentioned and assign them to yourself today. You have been washed from those activities which separated you from God once you believed and now follow Jesus (Yeshua). Oh sure, you will make mistakes, and are forgiven, just don’t make the same mistakes over and over again.

Ezekiel is a fascinating read and if you read it in comparison with today’s world affairs you will too discover that everything God had the prophet warn Israel about is also a warning for the world today, especially the United States. Anyway, this post is a short one and the link below will help you see the convergence of then to today. Just blow past the first three chapters, it’s too cryptic to grasp and because of language could lead to some wrong understanding like it has with Erich von Däniken.

There is a convergence happening today like never before in History, and you owe yourself the time to read the book and discover for your self that God is not just talking to Israel 4,000 years ago, He is talking loudly to the world today as well.  Biblical language does not end, it is continuous and the Bible is one continuous story.  See The Culture of the Hebrew Language.

Click Here for the book of Ezekiel

I will leave this post with a movie titled The Coming Convergence:

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.


18 May 2022
the Christian Underground Journal

Views: 18