Paul to Titus – What We Can Learn

How many of use live up to Paul’s expectation? Proper Behavior Supports Sound Doctrine Paul’s letter to Titus 2:11-15 (CEB) “The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. It educates us so that we can live sensible, ethical, and godly lives right now by rejecting ungodly lives and the desires of this world. … Read more

Appointing Elders Who Love What Is Good

 I pray there are people who meet these qualifications and not just on Sunday’s or other church events. I have not met any who can lay claim to having these characteristics. Paul’s letter to Titus 1: 5-9 (CEB) “ 5 The reason I left you behind in Crete was to organize whatever needs to be done … Read more

Consequence of Sin

What exactly is sin and how does it affect us?  Below is a list of words and phrases concerning sin that comes from Vines Complete Expository Dictionary.  Iniquity; vanity; sorrow; to be tired or fatigued; painful burden or difficulty; sin is a toilsome, exhausting load of trouble and sorrow; crime or offense; deceit; trespass; violation … Read more

Communication – Prayer!

Does Heaven talk to us? Having heard many times that God, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus does not communicate with us causes me to ask: What is prayer then? —A one way communication effort, or are prayers answered? For many of us prayer is a way to petition heaven to consider our situation or that … Read more