Before And After The Flood

What are we to make of today’s world affairs?

I will share what I feel is important for us believers today regarding current world affairs, or should I say, the continuation of what began thousands of years ago. A qualifying point is the understanding of Aramaic and Hebrew languages: I’m going to provide several links that speak about both languages, and then to I will quote Jeff Brenner who teaches Biblical Hebrew and Interpretation. Before diving into this I just need to say that the biblical language is fluid and continuous, the story from the creation to the conclusion moves as the waters move and that the breath of God still sustains life throughout all of creation as the wind blows.

The first link is an introduction to the origins of the Aramaic language. Click Here.

The second link is an introduction to the origins of the Hebrew language. Click Here.

Quote from Jeff Brenner 

The Modern Hebrew language uses the same verb tenses that we do in English; past, present, and future. However, in Biblical Hebrew they only had two tenses: perfect and imperfect. The past, present and future tenses are related to time, but the Biblical Hebrew tenses, perfect and imperfect, are related to action. A perfect tense is a completed action, and an imperfect tense is an action that is not completed. This does make translating verbs difficult as there are no equivalent tenses in English.

Perfect tenses are translated into the past tense in English and the imperfect tense into the present or future tense (as an action may be completed or it may have begun, but not yet completed).

But this doesn’t always work and let me use Judges 16:15 as an example. The Hebrew word אהבתיך (ahavtiykha) is the verb אהב (A.H.B, Strong’s #157) meaning to “love,” the suffix תי (tiy) which identifies the subject of the verb as first person, singular (I) and the tense of the verb as perfect (completed action) and the suffix ך (kha) which identifies the object of the verb as second person, masculine, singular (you). So, as the verb is in the perfect tense and we translate it with the English past tense, we would translate this as “I loved you.” But in English this implies that she no longer loves him. So, in this case you must translate a perfect tense verb into the present tense.

Hebrew is not the only language that uses action-oriented tenses for verbs rather than time-oriented tenses. I know that the Hopi language does, and I am sure there are others, especially ancient languages.

If you wish you could visit Jeff Brenner’s site by clicking here.

One of my front-line questions is with over four hundred and fifty English translations of the bible which one can be trusted? 

Now that I got all that off my brain it is time to get to the point.

Matthew 24: 36–39 (LEB) “But concerning that day and hour no one knows—not even the angels of heaven nor the Son—except the Father alone. For just as the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the ark. And they did not know anything until the deluge came and swept them all away. So also the coming of the Son of Man will be.” See Genesis 6:5–8; 7:6–24)

Jesus’s statement reveals a complacent heart, one where everything remains the as it ever has, and a heart overcome with wickedness, disbelief, and disdain for God. See (2 Peter 3:3-4). Genesis chapter six reveals how wicked the hearts of men were [and still is] before the flood and shows the complacent attitude of the people as they refused to choose life instead choosing death. Chapter seven of Genesis gives us a picture of God’s judgment on a wicked world, and out of the then population of earth only a few were spared (1 Peter 3:20).  And as the world returns to the way it was before the flood only a remnant will be spared–again.  Please do not take your salvation for granted–it is a matter of eternal life and eternal damnation.

The times we live in we are faced with increasing wickedness where morality is vanishing, and unbridled lust is becoming the norm. Biblical scripture is moving along because God programs it to complete His will on earth as it is in heaven. The Biblical story continues along God’s timeline, nothing has stopped, and it won’t stop until He will is completed. Today, we are faced with the same story of Noah’s day: We see people marrying and giving in marriage, all sorts of vile and dehumanizing behaviors are on display, governments plot to control the masses. Today, as in Noah’s day, we have a choice: we can choose life, or go the direction of the world and choose death.

It really does matter understanding what we are reading, and it does not matter if you agree with specific man-made doctrines (2 Colossians 2:20-23). What matters is you choose life, and to choose life you must accept the calling and believe that Jesus is who he claims to be, and that He is returning, and if you believe you will be with Him for all eternity. No death; No illness; No hunger; No desires; No evil; No temptation; No sin.

I received an email from Prophecy News Watch that isn’t close to where I was heading with this post because it skips the increased wickedness on earth. So, what I’m going to do is copy a part of the email into this post so readers can see how world leaders are preparing for a terrible time ahead.

Fires from Heaven
World Governments are Preparing

The scriptures tell us that the earth will be destroyed three times. As you know, the first time the earth was destroyed by water was during the days of Noah in which Noah and his family were protected from God’s wrath. The purpose of this destruction was to purge unrepentant man from the earth and to restore His order.

The next time the earth will be destroyed it will be by fire in which the Lord will purge unrepentant man from the earth to restore His order again. I’d like to focus this article on the second and approaching destruction of the earth. There is scarcely a day that passes in which we don’t hear of events around the world that continue to lay the foundation for the final days as described in His Word.  However, the scriptures also talk about geographic and cosmic events that will devastate the earth. Is the foundation for these cataclysmic events being laid down as well and shouldn’t we be watchful of them?   Yes, they are!  In fact, these cosmic events have already begun, and they are happening in the heavens around us.

What the World Governments Know that Most Don’t

If God utilizes His creation to carry out his will, then we know we’re already starting to see the makings of this event unfold before our very eyes. In fact, you could argue that many governments and various space agencies already know what’s coming. IN FACT, THEY ARE PREPARING FOR IT!

In the last few years, governments all over the globe have built over 1,000 doomsday seed vaults. The largest that we know about is the Norwegian vault on the island of Spitsbergen in the Arctic Circle cut 390 ft into the frozen mountain 430 ft above sea level.  It has the capacity to store 4.5 million seeds. In addition, many governments are building massive underground bunkers and even small cities carved into mountains and in rock underground for their leadership.

You’ve heard that our magnetic field protects us from solar activity and that the chances of the earth being hit by a catastrophic CME are impossible. It is possible that both these statements were true in the past but that may no longer be the case. Normally we are protected by our magnetic field which keeps the high energy particle emissions from the sun from hitting the earth. It is an invisible shield that diverts those particles around the earth … but this is rapidly changing.

Earth’s magnetic field is starting to weaken.  The European Space Agency has a satellite array called Swarm which monitors solar activity and they openly reported on July 9, 2014, that during the prior 6 months that the magnetic field protecting the earth has been dramatically weakening.  NASA also announced that the field is collapsing at an accelerating rate.  This is what has been protecting the earth from the sun’s dangerous particle emissions.  Without this shield, more x-ray emissions from the sun will reach earth.  Additionally, in the last 12 years, the burst x-ray emissions from the sun have been so intense that most of the satellites could not measure them as they did not have scales large enough to account for such intense emissions.  NASA expanded the radiation emission scales and measuring instruments over a hundred-fold to measure the new emissions. Not only has the sun’s activity become more unpredictable over the last one hundred years but we’ve witnessed some of the largest X-class flares in the history of modern civilization.  God is also allowing us to see these increased emissions and the decreasing magnetic field of the earth for a reason.

On July 23, 2012, a massive CME ejected from the sun and crossed through earth’s orbital path just behind the earth only missing us by one week!  If the flair had erupted one week earlier, the earth would have been squarely hit.  This CME blast from the sun was so massive that NASA refers to it as “The Solar Superstorm of July 2012” and tells us that if it hit us, it would have knocked our modern civilization back to the 18th century. This would mean the loss of all modern communications, satellites, and potentially all our power grids worldwide.  It would take decades for us to recover.  By the time we could recover the world would have already been thrown into a mad-max scenario with most dying of starvation.  Of course, this could not happen because God tells us what is going to happen instead. God again allowed us to see this CME burst which nearly missed us. It’s another clear sign that we are approaching the last days and the stage is being set.

We now know what the governments of the world saw and why they started constructing massive seed vaults and underground cities.  NASA has also launched a pair of satellites they call STEREO (one ahead of the earth in its orbit and the other trailing behind) which both focus on the sun to create a 3D model to see future CME emissions bursts approaching. This will give ample warning of an approaching CME blast towards earth to move hundreds of thousands of already pre-chosen individuals into mini underground “cities” which are already built around the world and here in the United States.

Why is this important for us to know?

Many Christians will express the view that this information is not relevant to them as we will be raptured prior to the Wrath of God.  While it is true that the rapture will occur before these events the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (book of Revelation) is meant for us to understand the events of the end of days and for us to use that knowledge to look for the season He is to return.  We will not know the day nor the time, but we are instructed to know the signs of His return.  Christ provides us information about events that will occur on earth, both politically, religiously, economically, and socially and we see all these merging to set the final stage for the antichrist.  Christ also provides us information about events in the heavens and geographic changes on earth that we are to look for and we also see that the foundation for their fulfillment is developing in the heavens and geographically in the earth today.  We know the time is near.

We know that “All Scripture is God Breathed, and Profitable for Doctrine, for Convincing, for Correction, for Discipline in Righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16 TPW) and also that “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter” (Prov 25:2 KJV).  Revelation is provided to us to not only reveal the events of the end time to be watchful of, but we are also provided a blessing if we read, hear, and keep those things that are written (Rev 1:3). 

Another indicator that societies are heading back to the way they were before the flood was a story from the Christian Post where it was reported by the American Bible Society that there is an unprecedented drop in Bible reading. What I take away from the article is an abandonment of the faith or belief in God. Societies are beginning to shed any belief in God and are rapidly transforming into a secular way of life. This can also explain the unfathomable acceptance of socialism among today’s youth and middle-aged adults.

To read the Christian Post article click here.

Another example of falling away from faith and the return to pre-flood lifestyle is written in a book titled Faith No More: Why People Reject Religion by Phil Zuckerman.

Here is the abstract copied from University Press Scholarship Online:

More and more Americans are opting out of religion. Who are these people that reject religion, and what motivates them? What actually causes a person to lose his or her faith? This book offers an in-depth exploration of the reasons, experiences, and values of people who were once religious but are no longer. By analyzing their personal stories of how they transitioned from religiosity to secularity, key patterns are explored, and many insights provided. Rather than living up to the cliché of the angry, nihilistic atheist, apostates are life-affirming, courageous, highly intelligent, and inquisitive, and deeply moral. It is predicted that this trend toward nonbelief will likely continue and the sooner we recognize that religion is frequently and freely rejected by all sorts of men and women, the sooner our understanding of the human condition will improve. The first book of its kind, Faith No More will appeal to anyone interested in the ‘‘New Atheism” and indeed to anyone wishing to more fully understand our changing relationship to religious faith.

And from the World Net Daily News service the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) stated the following.

“These are trying times. At home, we have runaway inflation, attempts to indoctrinate our kids while telling parents they have no say their children’s education, an unending influx of illegal immigrants crossing our sieve of a southern border, and a president who always seems to make the wrong decision, to name but a few of our problems. Abroad, there is war in Ukraine, the Russians are threatening to use chemical or nuclear weapons, China is engaging in provocative military drills aimed at Taiwan, and North Korea is once again testing long-range missiles,” the ACLJ reported.

Well, there you have it. Today we are doing the very same things that mankind did before the flood. Wickedness abounds, and darkness is overtaking the minds of men at an alarming pace. Therefore, we must remain vigilant and steadfast in faith, and endure until the end. Today you must choose life or choose death. Life for all eternity with Jesus and the saints, or a permanent death. No people who think they will be with all their friends in hell having a big party got it all wrong, death after the final judgment is permanent and hell is destroyed.

Going forward requires prayer, a steadfast faith in Christ Jesus, obedience to His commandments, and an unwillingness to compromise the faith by any means. This does not mean we are not to love as Jesus loves us, it means we are to become mature in His love for us so we can be mature enough to show His love through us to other believers and non-believers alike. Everything is going to become very dark as we approach the times mentioned by God’s prophets and especially what John’s revelations reveals to us what the world will look like as those days near. Maintain a positive outlook because we belong to Christ and pray continuously for those who do not know Him and even those who ridicule, debase, and hate Him.

What will it be life or death?

Thanks for indulging me.

9 April 2022

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