A Lost Trust

I Can’t Trust Anyone!

As a follower of Christ, you are not supposed to trust anyone. You are to trust in the Lord (Provers 3:5-6), and discern what others claim to be, and what other have to say.

Lack of trust in the Lord brings an anxiousness where our focus is deflected away from the Lord. We are not to become anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6-7), and removing our eyes off the Lord fear results, we become angry, we lose hope, our faith in both self and God ends, and we stop trusting the Lord to have our backs. It almost becomes a driving of the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 4:30. When hope (Romans 15:13) is lost faith goes out the door with it. I think it important to grasp what faith is (Hebrews 11:1) and this faith is gifted to each of us by God himself Ephesians 2:8; Romans 12:3. As for when we lose sight of hope remember that Jesus has never left our side Hebrews 13:5-6.

If you place your trust in corporal things, the world, governments, people, your trust is misplaced and your claimed faith in Jesus is questionable. You cannot server God and money (Matthew 6:24), and you cannot server man, or the government above serving Jesus; you can serve one or the other. Attempting to split the difference you show yourself to be double minded (Romans 8:5). So, the biggest reason you cannot trust is because your trust is in the wrong place. You should trust in the Lord always Isaiah 26:4.


Mike Kovach
October 8, 2021
The Christian Underground Journal
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