Praise Report

Jesus Heals

I was scheduled for a lung biopsy because of a new lung nodule found during a recent CT scan. That would be two nodules in my lungs. Anyway, as I was laying before the CT scan device this morning, which is the beginning of the biopsy procedure, I was praying that all will work out when a voice entered my mind and said: “Relax the Lord will heal you.” The CT scan was taken; the doctor came in about a half hour after the scan and with astonishment said there are no nodules in your lungs and there is no need for the biopsy. I have had small nodules for many years, I think the first was detected when I joined the Navy in 1969 and later during routine medical updates. Anyway, I wanted to share this so everyone knows for certain that there is a God and He does take care of those who are His and who trust and rely on Him always.  

There are far too many people today who only give lip service to healings by Jesus. They think they pray for healing of others and their self but what truly allows Jesus to heal anyone is the condition of the petitioner’s heart, and the relationship they have with the risen Lord Jesus Christ. I have seen others healed through prayer, their last hope, and in all cases the people who were healed for good were those who’s heart was right before the Lord, and their relationship with Jesus is deep and personal. In other words, they know the living God and the living God knows them because of their relationship with Jesus the Christ of God.

To God be the Glory (לאלוהים התהילה) Amen and Amen (לאלוהים התהילה)



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