The Bible is God’s testament to humankind’s sinful nature, rebelliousness toward God. The Bible reminds humankind that their continued indifference toward God and desire to be gods will always end in ruin. The world is entering a time of testing and judgment. One day, the Bible will be forbidden and that is why it is essential that each believer study the teachings of Jesus.
After the last apostle went to be with the Lord Jesus, and the young believer assemblies were left pilotless without direction from those whom the Lord Jesus appointed to build his assemblies, those who were appointed by those apostles were to carry the message forward, and to teach their assemblies how to live for Christ. Writings of the apostles, along with the Hebrew scriptures were to be used in for instruction. It is this record we call the Bible that continues to be the presence of the first apostles to all assemblies with the Holy Spirit as each believer’s guide into all truth. All the instruction, doctrines, differences of behavior, and what a born-again believer from above is; how they are to stand for the risen Christ, and how their obedience to the teachings of Jesus is seen.
The doctrine of Apostolic Succession is simply man made. Man made to secure power that does not belong to them. Additionally, Apostolic Succession is not a Biblical doctrine and should not be looked upon as an authority from the Lord. There are Apostles today, just not those selected by man. Man does not appoint Apostles, Jesus delegates those that He needs to complete the establishment of the New Covenant for Him. Paul reveals the gifts bestowed upon those who belong to Jesus and none of them mentions Apostleship but that does not mean there are no Apostles today. Man has created many false teachings by changing what the Apostles instructed into something not in agreement with scripture. The word “apostle,” used eighty-one times in the New Testament, simply means “a delegate, an ambassador of the gospel, or one that is sent” (Strong’s Concordance #G652). Barnabas for example, was considered “one sent” by God to preach the gospel even though Scripture does not state he was personally taught by Christ or saw him after his resurrection.
Are there Apostles today? I would think so. Those Apostles today are not those selected by man or by someone claiming to be genealogically connected. Any modern Apostle is again selected by Jesus to do something specific for Him.
The Bible is God’s testament to humankind’s sinful nature, rebelliousness toward God, and as a reminder that no matter how humankind tries to deny God’s existence the Bible reminds humankind that regardless of their continual rebellion, they continuously repeat everything written in the Scriptures. The Bible continuously warns humankind that their continued indifference toward God and desire to be gods will always end in ruin. The Bible reminds humankind that God loves them and created a plan to save them from themselves. How does the God do this, it is receded in the Bible that God through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Roman cross paid a price for humankind’s continual rebellion (sin) that humankind could not: And through Jesus’s resurrection on the third day God offers to all who believe in Jesus’ eternal life with Him.
In short, the Bible reveals the nature of fallen humankind, how that fallen state continues to repeat disaster after disaster, and how that fallen state can be mended. That fallen state of disaster can be mended by believing in and trusting in Jesus Christ alone; there is no other recourse.
The world is entering a time of testing and judgment. If you care to understand what this time of testing will entail, read the book of Job. However, keep in mind that the judgment part will begin with believers and then the world. What is about to happen is not something to take lightly. One day, the Bible will be forbidden and that is why it is essential that each believer study the teachings of Jesus, the instructions of the Apostles, and to pay close attention to the prophets of the scriptures.
There are dark days ahead for all; no one will escape the calamity coming. It is imperative that each believer stays steadfast in faith and prays constantly. Do not become lazy and unconcerned, the day is getting shorter, and soon the earth will be thrust into unfathomable calamity.
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