Where Do You Think We Are in God’s Timeline?
This is from a book by David Wilkerson titled “The Vision” from 1973.
23. Sex Education to Get In on the Act
Students will be told that homosexual love is normal and that sex acts between unmarried is desirable if each has a high regard for the other… David Wilkerson, The Vision & Beyond.
The Montgomery County Board of Education approved new sex-education lessons yesterday for the eighth and 10th grades that teach what it means to be homosexual’. Approved by an unanimous vote, the lessons mark the first time Montgomery schools will introduce the topics of sexual orientation and homosexuality. The materials, including a new 10th-grade condom demonstration DVD, will be field tested in a handful of middle and high schools in spring, barring intervention by the courts…The Washington Post, 01/10/07.
24. A Homosexual Epidemic
When society no longer rejects their sin as abnormal and fully accepts them and encourages them in their abnormality, and when the church no longer preaches against it as sin and consoles them in their sexual activities there no longer exist any hindering forces. The floodgates are open, and homosexuals are encouraged to continue in their sin. In my vision, I have seen these two roadblocks being swept away you can expect more than one homosexual scandal in very high places. The homosexual community will become so militant and brazen that they will flaunt their sin on network talk shows very shortly.
A steamy memoir by former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey, who left office amid a gay sex scandal, has become a best seller on two lists…Fox News, 09/28/09.
The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome. In the early stages…the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Daytime talk shows also remain a useful avenue for exposure. But to speed things up we might consider a bold stratagem to gain media attention. (The homosexual agenda in an article, The Overhauling of Straight America) Guide Magazine, October and November 1987 Homosexual content prominent on primetime TV, study says…Baptist Press, 08/08/07
Media portrayals of homosexuals were originally both rare and stereotyped, and most gay characters were comic in nature. Portrayals of gay characters are finally reaching a new level of realism…BBC, 06/30/03
I suggest reading about the ancient mythological character Inanna-Ishtar.
I also recommend looking into the book “The Return of the God’s” by Jonathan Cahn.25. A Falling Away
Moral standards among many church people will be shattered. Husband – and wife-swapping will be on the increase, and great numbers of young people will simply live together without getting married’A constant barrage of sex and nudity by all the media will vex the minds and souls of the most devout children of Christ. It will cause the love of many to grow cold. It will lead to carelessness and faithlessness. It will be the major cause of a great ‘falling away.’ Those who stand against this flood of filth will be few, and they will be looked upon as out of step with an enlightened society and a more relevant church. Easy abortion, the pill, and a growing sexual permissiveness will contribute to a revolution of immorality…David Wilkerson, The Vision & Beyond.
Most Americans think culture is becoming more immoral, and they view the media—both entertainment and news—as prime culprits, according to a new survey. If the media continues to singularly promote secular values while undermining orthodox faith and values, it will be very difficult to reverse Americas moral decline, said the National Cultural Values Survey, released yesterday by the Cultural and Media Institute (CMI) of the Media Research Center…The Washington Post, 03/08/07.
These are not my words, but those of the late Pastor David Wilkerson from New York and who also began Teen Challenge and wrote The Cross and the Switch Blade. So do not blame me if what he said fifty years ago disturbs you. What I will add to back up what he said is 2 Timothy 3:1-4—“But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will be present. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boasters, proud, verbally abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, savage, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And turn away from these.”
There are many scriptures to back up what he saw in his vision and it is up to each one of us to discern if what he said is prophetic or just reflections of the social decay he saw when he wrote these words.
As for the last days: Well most people look for things to begin going terribly wrong all around the world just as I do. However, the last days began with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Back then even the apostles and followers of Jesus believed he would return during their day. Paul in his writings thought Jesus was coming back during his time as well and then in his later writings began to shift his view of Jesus’s return toward the future. He began to understand the importance of his assignment not long after he was accepted by the other apostles. Today we look at world event and through delusion and deception many feel and even believe that the end of life as we know it is knocking on the door. I can honestly say, that the end of life as we understand it can come at any time and it is not dependent of world affairs. What we need to look for is what Jesus himself told the apostles in the gospels concerning the end of the age, and we need to be able to see what was already done and what is yet to be done.
Until Jesus returns we must continue to move forward and not fear what is taking place around us. There is an evolution to societies, humankind is not static but ever growing and adjusting. Through the growth of humankind in technologies and knowledge what is important is to look at how things were with humanity in the past and discern if societies are now adopting the same ideologies of the past no matter advancements in technology or knowledge. We could literally see our modern world mirror the ancient ideals calling them something new.
I’ll leave this topic open for a later debate since I feel there is a need for sanity, clarity, and steadfastness in the faith and this post could literally turn into a book.
Be of good cheer, and always be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus face-to-face.
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