2022 Gone For Good

2022 What a Year! 

Ending one of the tumultuous years in my lifetime has ended. With all the negative news or gossip news I often wondered why we the people even tolerate watching or reading it. We look at how society has devolved into social, religious and political chaos, wide spread disease, famine, increased fuel prices, staggering inflation, dependence once again of foreign oil, adverse weather conditions unlike any since the 1800s, housing and property devaluation, foreign police stations in one of our most populous states, foreign entities buying farm land and other real-estate, changing our infrastructure in just 15 years where it should take 100 or more years, medical mistrust, voting disillusion, political prisoners, violence in our streets, and in our political institutions, political hit jobs, deliberate destruction of people’s lives, wars and rumors of wars, earth quakes in various places, volcanos, political revenge, censorship, propaganda, pandemics, etc., and I’m glad 2022 is finished.  

Since COVID struck I have watched how people have changed, and not for the better. 2022 seemed to be one of the worst years regarding attitudes, courtesy, paranoia, depression, anger at people who think differently, rudeness, selfishness, scammers, fearful of others, even when there seemed to be a ray of hope that things may be returning to a balanced civilization with a more casual routine. I wondered where all this was leading. Is there a turning point where we accept one another as we did prior to the pandemic and all the political junk? The only answer I can produce is we must continue to strive to be better than we have been and push forward together no matter what. 

Some see the world inching toward the end and the return of Jesus sooner rather than later, and people begin to think that way when things are out of control with no hope of ever getting any better. All I can say, if we look forward to better days and we do not look back. If we wish to be a better people and a better country we must unite and make that happen, we should not divide along racial, religious, and political lines. If we wish to survive, we must become one people and one nation again. If we do not, then perhaps the end will come, and it will come because of self-fulfilling prophecies instead of the prophecies of the scriptures. 

I am not posting this with some sort of religious insight or as a prophetic warning: I am appealing to all of us to stop and think about what we as people want. What type of country do we want to have. What type of country to we want to leave for our children, and their children? It is our choice to decide the course of this nation, not the governments, not technocrats, not bureaucrats, not corporations, and not outside influences and foreign governments. It is our choice what this nation is to be and ours alone. 

What have I experienced in 2022? An increase in people with a delusional disorder, and some schizophrenia. Here is what that looks like: 

What is delusional disorder? Source: Cleveland Clinic. 

Delusional disorder is a type of psychotic disorder. Its main symptom is the presence of one or more delusions, and a delusion is an unshakable belief in something that is untrue. The belief is not a part of the person’s culture or subculture, and everyone else knows this belief to be false. 

People with delusional disorder often experience non-bizarre delusions. Non-bizarre delusions involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, deceived, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. These situations are either untrue or are highly exaggerated. 

Non-bizarre delusions are different from bizarre delusions, which include beliefs that are impossible in our reality, such as believing someone has removed an organ from your body without any physical evidence of the procedure. 

People with delusional disorders often continue to socialize and function well, apart from the subject of their delusion. They do not behave in an odd or unusual manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who might also have delusions as a symptom. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted. 

A lot of what I have read in response to the ills of our country fall into this part of delusional disorders: 

Persecutory: People with this type of delusional disorder believe someone or something is mistreating, spying on, or attempting to harm them (or someone close to them). People with this type of delusional disorder may make repeated complaints to legal authorities.  

You can read the entire discussion on delusional disorder on the Cleveland Clinic’s website

No matter what we think or believe is going on I can attest that all the ills of the world today come from dark forces and the delusion I speak of comes from those dark forces. We as a people cannot surrender to fate, we must overcome what is happening and not fall into hopelessness. I for one will never give up, never quit, never surrender, and never give in to those forces attempting to delude and control the mind. 

Hopefully, 2023 will be better for those suffering from this disorder. 

Happy New Year

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