Forgiveness Restores Our Relationships

Memories help restore our fellowship with the LORD and with others:

Some individuals have a tough time letting go of their past looking at memories as a recall of sinful episodes. The importance here is to fully understand that all those sinful episodes have been forgiven while not necessarily forgotten. Of course, some memories tend to open old wounds that are just as hurtful today as when the event happened; and there are memories—painful or not, which had significant meaning then, as well as today.

Restoring fellowship with our LORD also restores relationships with other believers.

Why do I say this? Take a step back in time for a moment and see if you can recall a time when you were in a desperate situation or have done something that you thought for sure was your ticket to hell. During those times was there something that happened which turned everything wrong right; where there was no way you could have figured a way out of your situation or even be forgiven for what you did, when all of a sudden the answers came, you were no longer in a terrible situation, and the sinful thing you did was washed away as if it never happened? Well, those events in our past is what I call miracles and what I consider points in time where the LORD has us recall what He did to save us from ourselves and to rekindle our faith and fellowship in Him? Those are the memories that at times of straying from the faith where the Holy Spirit pulled us out of harm’s way or prevented us from moving head long into self-destructive behaviors. They were events that no one, including yourself, could have prevented you, or convinced you to stop before it was too late. Those are the memories that come to mind when we falter in faith or move to the right or left of our journey. Those are the memories that remind us of when we have doubts or question our faith and beliefs that Jesus saved us in more way than we care to admit. They are those memories that restore us to fellowship with the Holy Spirit who then renews our spirit with living water. Those are the memories where we return to when confronted with contradiction, confusion, false teachings, and false doctrine.

You see, sometimes our past is meant to be recalled when we stumble; when we doubt, when we question our faith or our belief in God. There are moments in our past where God’s mercy reached down and helped us out of our situations, and we knew it was God who rescued us, it was not magic, not coincidence, not fate or luck, it was God and God alone. It is those memories that restore us to the one who saved us to begin with. Why you ask? Because we accepted Him and believe that Christ came in the flesh, and we are His children whom He loves and protects. It was God who sent us a helper to guide and teach us all about Jesus. It is this helper who resides in us that saw us through dark times in our life, and who continually leads us to become more-and-more like Christ Jesus. It is this helper who even today, enlightens us as we read, pray, and talk with every day who keeps us from forgetting who we are in Christ, and if we do, this helper reminds us of when were unable to help ourselves, He was there to guide us out of harm’s way.

You say what helper do we have?

(John 14:26 NASB) “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

There a sadness is what I’m trying to convey. That sadness is for those who still feel the pain of past events. Events that still haunt them to this day as if they try to get you to do those same things again. To those who still fight to restrain the urge from slipping back into sinfulness, please hand the pain over to Jesus, He already forgave you.

You see, if you have been forgiven, and born anew from above, you are a new creation, all things have become new. Those who feel guilty because of those memories remember they have been washed away, forgiven. They have not necessarily been forgotten, but their sting is no more. Then again, some of those events become anchor points, reminders of God’s mercy and His willingness to rescue you and to keep you from falling away from the faith.  You are no longer just flesh and blood, you have been redeemed, and are now flesh and blood and spiritually alive, and connected to the gift God has given, the Helper, and guide who testifies of Jesus Christ and teaches us in all manners of truth.

It is up to you now. Accept Jesus’ forgiveness and forgive yourself for doubting that you have been forgiven.

(2 Corinthians 5:16-17 NASB) “Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” 

(Ephesians 3:20-21 GW) “Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory belongs to God in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time and eternity! Amen.”

I don’t know if any of this makes sense to any of you reading it. I just hope and pray that if you still feel pain from past indiscretions, or struggle hiding your guilt or pain, that you truly turn everything over to Jesus by accepting His forgiveness and then marvel at God’s grace, mercy and above all His love for you.

I sign out with Aaron’s prayer which I believe is appropriate for all as a blessing from the LORD.

(Num. 6:24-26 NASB) “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.”

31 December 2021

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